How Do You Stop Facebook Ads

To stop Facebook ads, follow these steps:

Your ads will stop running immediately if you turn them off. However, any unpaid charges may still be billed. Need more help?

1️⃣ Go to Meta Ads Manager

Log in to your Facebook account and access Meta Ads Manager.

This is where you control all your ads, campaigns, and settings.

2️⃣ Find Your Active Ad Campaigns

Look for running ads in the Campaigns, Ad Sets, or Ads tab.

Identify the ad you want to stop.

3️⃣ Pause or Turn Off Your Ads

Click the toggle switch next to your campaign, ad set, or ad.

When switched off, the ad stops running immediately.

Light Yellow Arrow

4️⃣ Delete or Cancel Ads Permanently

Open the campaign or ad you no longer need.

Click Edit, then select Delete to remove it.

Light Yellow Arrow

By following these steps, you can successfully stop Facebook ads and avoid unnecessary charges. Need more help? Visit Meta Business Help Center.

🔍 Double-check your Ads Manager to ensure everything is turned off.